1.) I have experience with Photoshop and Adobe Bridge as wells as Microsoft office programs.

2.) Just to learn more about Graphic Design so I can make a decision on if this would be my major.

4.) I am more self taught with photoshop being a photographer but I did take a course dealing with photoshop and lightroom at my last college.

5.)Yes i have a laptop that has the photoshop program

6.) I use a PC

7.) I am undecided at the moment.

8.) I wanted to major in Photography but was convinced to pick otherwise so now I am not too sure.

9.) - a street artist that makes people look at bigger issues on the street with his art.

10.) As of right now I would have to say Frank Ocean

11.) I am originally from North Carolina and played baseball most of my life.

12.) I am a southern kid that grew up playing baseball didn't really have much interest in anything else. Moved to Jersey after some difficult times in school back in NC, chose Audubon specifically because it was known for its baseball program. Realized 3 years into high school that the team was many about who you know rather than how you play, and being a kid that didn't grow up in the town I was an outsider trying to fight for a spot. Stopped playing all together my senior year and got a job, learned that I have a passion for photography. Made a portfolio for myself and submitted it to a college and got a slight art scholarship and went there for a year before returning home.
